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contoh kalimat dekat perapian

"dekat perapian" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • And we're gonna play games over by the fireplace.
    Kita akan bermain sesuatu di dekat perapian.
  • On Day 6 boys cooked cakes for girls.
    Di dekat perapian, anak-anak juga menyiapkan kue untuk Sinterklas.
  • I used to play by this hearth as a child.
    Aku biasa bermain di dekat perapian ini saat kecil dulu.
  • Have your slippers waiting for you by the fire, your dinner ready.
    Menyiapkan sandalmu di dekat perapian, menyiapkan makan malam.
  • Yeah, yeah by the fire, yeah.
    Ya, dekat perapian, ya.
  • Snuggle up by an old stone fireplace and enjoy a cup of cocoa.
    Meringkuk di dekat perapian batu tua dan menikmati secangkir coklat.
  • Draw nearer the fire.
    Ayo kita duduk dekat perapian.
  • Oh, actually I thought maybe we could just go snuggle by the fire first.
    Oh, sebenarnya aku berpikir mungkin kita bisa tiduran saja dekat perapian.
  • Places were set at the dinner table and by the fire to welcome them.
    Tempat-tempat telah diatur di meja makan dan dekat perapian untuk menyambut mereka.
  • He would take his place by the hearth, and stare at the contents of the box,
    Dia akan menggantikannya di dekat perapian, dan menatap isi kotak itu,
  • I see a vacant seat in the poor chimney corner and a crutch without an owner.
    Aku melihat kursi kosong di sudut dekat perapian dan sebuah tongkat tanpa pemiliknya.
  • You're really gonna let Captain Ahab just waltz in there and have a fireside chat with Skye's mum?
    Kau membiarkan Kapten Ahab pergi kesana dan mengobrol di dekat perapian bersama Ibunya Skye?
  • At Sparta the temple to the Moirai stood near the communal hearth of the polis, as Pausanias observed.
    Di Sparta, kuil untuk Moirai berdiri di dekat perapian umum, seperti diamati oleh Pausanias.
  • When we have done that we set our wheat and barley, put up houses and lay in firewood.
    Ketika kita melakukan itu ... kita bertanam ... gandum dan jagung, memasang rumah dan berbaring dekat perapian
  • And I found this cute little coffee shop where we can study by the fire together when it's snowing.
    Dan aku temukan kedai kopi kecil dimana kita bisa belajar bersama dekat perapian saat musim dingin.
  • Exposure to these pollutants is particularly high among women and girls, who traditionally spend most time near the domestic hearth.
    Paparan polutan ini sangat tinggi di kalangan perempuan dan anak perempuan, yang secara tradisional menghabiskan sebagian besar waktu di dekat perapian rumah tangga.
  • Sometimes, by the end of the day, the drafty attic was too cold to spend the night in, so she lay by the dying embers of the hearth to keep warm.
    Terkadang, pada malam hari, loteng itu terlalu dingin untuk ditiduri. Jadi dia berbaring di dekat perapian yang hampir padam, agar tetap hangat.
  • Vermont's beautiful this time of year. I know you don't like skiing, but as long as we got a rug and a fireplace, I think we'll be fine.
    Vermont pada tahun ini sangat indah aku tahu kau tidak suka bermain ski tapi selama kita berada di dalam karpet dan dekat perapian aku pikir kita akan baik-baik saja.
  • I've got a fireplace to keep me warm, and if I get hungry in the middle of the night, the kitchen is only 13 steps away, which is a prime number and a sign of good fortune.
    Aku harus dekat perapian untuk tetap hangat, dan jika aku kelaparan di tengah malam, dapur tinggal 13 langkah. yang merupakan bilangan prima dan tanda keberuntungan.